Three answers to: “Why hire a Jewish artist?”

1. Tachlis/too long didn’t read:

In short, to re-energize and renew you. To remind you and your community who you are and to rewire you and the people you pray, learn and eat with for connection to the legacy on which your Jewish tradition is based. And to prepare you all to go boldly and live joyfully into a vibrant Jewish present and future. 8ea53619dd858ed96aacdb02d5f3b9b4

2. The ‘what does this have to do with my life’/medium length version: 

So often, we are board stiff in our communities or bored stiff in our daily lives. Stuck in the same chaotic rigmarole day in and out, thirsting for change and not knowing where or how to begin.

That’s where a Jewish artist comes in.

Throwing caution to the wind, she allows you to experiment, grow, and inquire about the life you really want to be leading, all while engaging in meaningful, spirited activity that makes your soul feel more open and definitely, more refreshed.

But even more, to show you that you, your individuality and your community, are essential parts of something extraordinary. And you have a worthy gift of story to offer the world and for your own sake.

Accessing this gift is like matzoh ball soup for the world.

Nourishing, noteworthy and needed.

26814668_10154977065457063_4116907469547588660_n3. The long Torah-infused, Part 3, that brings it all together: 

The Book of Genesis teaches that from the beginning up until now, we have been toldot, all the generations of the first peoples of Earth.

Here, we find that Jews are not only a product of our time, nor are we merely the preservers of ancient religion. Rather, we are meaning makers, brought together by responsive difference in defining and ultimately, mastering our fate.

Our stories and our individual lives directly flow from the people of the Tanakh who have wandered our planet, loved, questioned, struggled and sought to find  how to fuse who they are and what they do with where life and Torah call them to be.

This history is the foundation of why art matters in Jewish community.

The Jewish artist integrates not only the stories as they have been given but draws out the stories as they are currently woven. That means using methods and a little meshugas (hey, isn’t art supposed to be one part wacky and one part wise?) to get to the heart of how to live Jewish lives that feel a bit riskier and a lot more alive. 26815163_10154973569437063_35271643923437631_n